This request is [Pending], it has been assigned to one of our staff. Current response time is: 2 to 24 hours.
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Name Kaikan Douki
Alternative Name Honna Wakou
Type Translation
Tagged Associated Names : カイカンドウキ , 快感同步
Description a 2019 manga with 2 chapters released (as far as i could is a second link just in case ;
Note i didn't find it translated in English , i really hope read it in this site first really soon! Honna Wakou is a creative mind blowing Mangaka , have very few works yet all of her manga work is amazingly great. i really hope her manga works get the recognition it deservrs; so it reach all the world... can't wait for your hard work , best wishes. ^_^
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Request Date 04.11.20
* For [Translation Request], it will be forward to our contracted translator, they will decide whether to translate the work or not.

