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Name In the Bath... In the Bath...
Name JP お風呂で…♥
Alt Name お風呂で…♥, Ofuro de... Ofuro de...
Description Here is a story about a girl who wants to win the heart of her beloved childhood friend. How? By letting him “wash” her body. Here is a story about a girl who wants to win the heart of her beloved childhood friend. How? By letting him “wash” her body.
Tagged [Adult], [Angel Shuppan], [Bathroom Intercourse], [Big Breasts], [Childhood Friends], [Creampie], [Defloration], [Fingering], [Happy Sex], [inkey], [Oneshot], [Romance] [Adult], [Bathroom Intercourse], [Big Breasts], [Childhood Friends], [Creampie], [Defloration], [Fingering], [Happy Sex], [inkey], [Oneshot], [Romance]
Status Completed Completed
Release in 2011 2011
URL (click here to view)
Edit Date 01.13.25
Edit by Annonymous

